sexta-feira, 5 de junho de 2009

sugestão para o alberto joão

Separatists Harness Humor for Europe Campaign
For most foreigners, Germany is little more than Oktoberfest, the Alps, beer, lederhosen and the Bayern Munich football club. The stereotypes, though, apply to just one corner of Germany -- the state of Bavaria, which happens to be Germany's biggest and richest.

Much of the rest of the country, though, regards this wealthy southern colossus with a mixture of bemusement, derision and loathing. It's like a German version of Texas.

Now a Bavarian separatist party is hoping to harness this animosity in the European parliamentary elections. The tiny Bavaria Party has come up with a tongue-in-cheek posters asking "Don't you want to get rid of the Bavarians?" which feature a woman in traditional dirndl and a man in lederhosen walking away as they wave goodbye.

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