sexta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2008

guerra fora de validade

A respeito da alocação de responsabilidades no desencadear do conflito no Cáucaso, a ler Mikhail Saakachvili foi o autor do primeiro tiro e arrisca-se a cair no blog de José Milhazes. É que já dentro da Geórgia se pede a cabeça desse maníaco.

Entretanto a malta da NATO continua a ameaçar a Rússia de isolamento, mas pedem educadamente para que esta continue a colaborar no Afeganistão. Ando a tentar aprender como se diz "manguito" em russo:

Yesterday Russian Foreign Office Chief Sergey Lavrov censured NATO in connection with the latest meeting of the alliance’s Foreign Ministers, whose final statement reads, “We have determined that we cannot continue with business as usual.” “Russia’s help is critical to the alliance,” the Minister stated. “After the NATO meeting, where a document regarding the relations with Russia was adopted, the alliance’s representatives contacted the Russian party persuading us not to terminate the cooperation in Afghanistan.” Basing on this position, Sergey Lavrov issued an ultimatum to the North-Atlantic alliance suggesting that it should make a choice between Georgia and Russia, “If these priorities lead to complete support of Saakashvili’s bankrupt regime, and if breaking the relations with Russia is the price they are ready to pay – let it be.” Yesterday the Foreign Offices of Norway, Estonia and Latvia reported receiving the notifications from the Russian Defense Ministry saying that Moscow terminates military cooperation with NATO. Later NATO spokesperson Carmen Romero confirmed this information.

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