sábado, 12 de abril de 2008

press review

As previously reported, the three Baltic States in the recent NATO summit in Bucharest, voiced their support of Ukraine and Georgia joining NATO.
However, as Russia has shown hearty opposition to the proposal, Poland is now threatening to block EU-Russia discussions if Ukraine and Georgia are not invited to join NATO.

Quem diria que uma nação europeia era capaz de bloquear organizações internacionais para forçar a sua vontade? Incrível.

Western Union has stopped the private money transfers of Arab men with typical Arab names. The company gave the men's names as justification for their action.

Quem diria que uma empresa se recusaria a prestar serviços a pessoas com nomes árabes por causa dos seus nomes árabes? Incrível.

In the book, Del Ponte writes that her investigators visited a house in the remote mountainous region outside Burrel, Albania, which was allegedly being used as an impromptu clinic for the butchering of 300 young Serbs captured by the Kosovo Liberation Army and transported in lorries across the border from Kosovo to Albania.

According to witnesses - including one who said he had driven some of the organs to Tirana airport, and a team of unnamed journalists who investigated the allegations - the victims had their kidneys removed before being killed later and having other organs taken.

Quem diria que um governo dum "país" patrocinado pelo Ocidente podia ter criminosos de guerra? Incrível.

An Italian woman artist who was hitch-hiking to the Middle East dressed as a bride to promote world peace has been found murdered in Turkey.

Quem diria que uma mulher italiana, vestida de noiva, sozinha, à boleia na Turquia, a viajar em prol da paz no mundo, podia aparecer morta? Incrível.

After completing a short prison sentence in 2003, the man left his packages at the prison’s front desk addressed to a number of women employed at the facility.
The packages contained hand-carved wooden penises, as well as a note saying he hoped that the gifts would be put to good use.

Quem diria que um ex-presidiário podia ser multado por oferecer às antigas carcereiras falos em madeira? Incrível.

Questionado sobre que contratações externas da RTP o PSD contesta, Rui Gomes da Silva respondeu que o seu partido «contesta a contratação externa de uma jornalista que a RTP foi buscar única e exclusivamente por razões que são de todos conhecidas».
«Estou-me a referir em concreto à jornalista Fernanda Câncio», declarou. As razões mencionadas são «um relacionamento com o primeiro-ministro», acrescentou mais à frente.

Quem diria que o PSD se toma a sério? Incrível.

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